
Competitive Analysis: A Case Study

National Packaging and Bag Supplier

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The situation:

Packaging Ltd.* wanted to amp up the growth of their business. The problem? They didn’t have a clear strategy in order to move forward and make this actually happen. That’s where Marketing Minds came in with our outsource marketing services and conducted a competitive analysis.

What we did:

• Researched the trends, competitors, capabilities in order to understand the playing field and influences
• Profiled Packaging Ltd’s clients and identified growth opportunities within each segment
• Tested their unique selling proposition against competitors to ensure robustness and points of difference
• Evaluated all possible channels and associated return on investment for growing Packaging Ltd.

The outcomes of a successful competitive analysis:

• Increased brand marketability
• An overall strategy that ensured growth, retention and re-acquisition that is aligned with the overall business objectives of the business.
• Identified a truly unique competitive advantage and call to action that Packaging Ltd. can be confident about
• Honed in on the lowest hanging fruits that will produce the greatest return for the company
• Developed a step by step “how to” and timeline for the opportunities identified
• Set key performance indicators for the tactics that Packaging Ltd. will engage in


*The client’s name has been changed to protect the company’s identity.

If you want some more personalised advice on your branding and marketing, or if you have any other questions, call us at +64 9 6344 390, email info@marketingminds.me or contact us.
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