
Case Studies

How Digital Strategies Can Take Your Business Full-time

On the go? Listen to an audio recording: https://www.marketingminds.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/bHow-Digital-Strategies-Can-Take-Your-Business-Full-time-Marketing-Minds-Podcastle.ai_.mp3 The Situation: Outside Focus* was a part-time e-commerce website selling specialised outdoor gear. The owner was struggling to transition from part-time to a full-time business. Even with growing sales, the rising costs of online advertising negatively impacted on Outside Focus’ overall profitability. Marketing Minds marketing services …

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Marketing Objectives in a Merger: A Case Study

Company Merger - How should the brands be positioned to meet marketing objectives? On the go? Listen to an audio recording: https://www.marketingminds.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/bMarketing-Objectives-in-a-Merger_-A-Case-Study-Marketing-Minds-Podcastle.ai_.mp3 The Situation: Our client EPS* is a long established company supplying building supplies mainly to the trade sector. With the acquisition of MDC*, an online direct-to-consumer business, EPS needed guidance on the best …

Marketing Objectives in a Merger: A Case Study Read More »

LinkedIn Lead Generation: A Case Study

LinkedIn: A Proven Lead Generation Tool For Mike Parkes https://www.marketingminds.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/bLinkedIn-Lead-Generation_-A-Case-Study-Marketing-Minds-Podcastle.ai_.mp3 One of the most common statements I hear when speaking with sales managers and business owners is ‘I don’t really know what LinkedIn does and how it can be of benefit’. This is then usually followed by ‘can it generate me sales?’ The answer to …

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Competitive Analysis: A Case Study

Competitive Analysis: A Case Study National Packaging and Bag Supplier On the go? Listen to an audio recording: https://www.marketingminds.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/bCompetitive-Analysis_-A-Case-Study-Marketing-Minds-Podcastle.ai_.mp3 The situation: Packaging Ltd.* wanted to amp up the growth of their business. The problem? They didn't have a clear strategy in order to move forward and make this actually happen. That’s where Marketing Minds came …

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How a Marketing Coach Turned Around Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study

New Zealand Service Industry Provider On the go? Listen to an audio recording: https://www.marketingminds.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/bHow-a-Marketing-Coach-Turned-Around-Customer-Satisfaction_-A-Case-Study-Marketing-Minds-Podcastle.ai_.mp3 The situation: John*, a licensor, bought a business in the service industry working with property investors. The business had a number of unhappy clients. He worked hard for 6 months to improve the service but didn’t have any way of knowing …

How a Marketing Coach Turned Around Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study Read More »

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