
LinkedIn Learning: Creator Mode


Linkedin learning, linkedin profile

Reading time: 6 minutes
Published: 2022 | Author: Ruby Langstone

The LinkedIn profile setting called ‘creator mode’ is a great way to grow your influence and reach on this platform! Not only does it offer extra tools for content creation, but also lets you access features that help with building an audience. Follow our short and simple LinkedIn Learning guide and optimise your profile!

Why creator mode?

  1. The connect button on your profile will change to follow. You’ll see how many followers you have in the introduction part of it all!
  2. Hashtags are a great way for you to be discovered by other members. The topics that appear in your profile introduction can now be displayed as hashtags, making it easier to gain awareness from people in your market/ community!
  3. When you post original content on your profile, it will be highlighted with a spotlight that stands out among the rest. This section excludes likes and comments until someone selects ‘see all activity’.
  4. You are eligible to be featured as a suggested creator to make you easier to discover by potential followers.

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5. If you meet the criteria, creator tools become accessible such as LinkedIn Live Video and LinkedIn Newsletter. Note: These tools are still being rolled out to all members in the coming months. To see if                these tools are available to you please visit creator hub

How to turn on creator mode:
1. At the top of your LinkedIn homepage, click the ‘Me’ icon.
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2. Click View Profile.
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3. Scroll down on your profile to Resources and click on Creator mode: Off.
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4. Once a pop-up window appears, click next.

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5. Add hashtags relevant to the topic you are posting about the most.

LinkedIn Learning: Creator Mode 66. Click Done.

7. Follow the prompts to turn on creator mode.

Now your LinkedIn profile is all set up and ready to go!


Note: Your company may also qualify for government subsidy with these workshops.

Email us or call 09 634 4390 for more information or if you are unsure which course is right for you.


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